
Yellow Background

Add & edit a yellow background easily

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How to add yellow background to image?

To add a yellow background to your image, simply go to the Yellow Background feature and...

Upload an image

1Upload an image

Choose image to add a yellow background

Why use Yellow Background

snap main feature

Warming influence

Yellow is the color of sunlight, which evokes a feeling of happiness, optimism and warmth. It's perfect for brands in the food industry (McDonald's and Subway).

snap main feature

Embolden brand visuals

Yellow or gold background is suited to bring energy and dynamism to your visual materials. Explore even more yellow background hues to find the perfect choice with SnapEdit library of yellow background templates

snap main feature

Creativity and imagination

Yellow is often associated with creativity, imagination, and inspiration. It can add a sense of playfulness and wonder to your photos, making them more engaging and thought-provoking.

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